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Liderazgo Femenino
En Grupo Bimbo buscamos impulsar el liderazgo femenino como la fuerza que dará nueva forma a la evolución de la industria, caracterizada por un mayor potencial de innovación.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Corporate Reputation
Corporate reputation is becoming more and more important today, because, for both consumers and stakeholders or interest groups, the product or service offered by a company is as important as the people.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Ranking de Responsabilidad y Gobierno Corporativo
Grupo Bimbo fue reconocido como la empresa de alimentos más responsable de México durante el 2017; obteniendo por cuarto año consecutivo un 10 perfecto de evaluación, por su responsabilidad y gobierno corporativo.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Remember Don Lorenzo Servitje
Remember Don Lorenzo Servitje.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Tenth Latin American Encounter of Socially Responsible Companies
In the framework of the Tenth Latin American Encounter of Socially Responsible Companies, Grupo Bimbo received the ESR distinction for the seventeenth consecutive year.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
"Las Multilatinas frente a un mundo en profundo cambio”.
Grupo Bimbo ha sido premiado como la “Empresa Multilatina del Año” en el marco del VI Foro Multilatinas 2016, que este año llevó por nombre "Las Multilatinas frente a un mundo en profundo cambio”.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
List of Mexico’s most influential leaders
For the sixth consecutive year, the list of Mexico’s most influential leaders presents the characters who influence Mexican society.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Interview with Daniel Servitaje
Responsibility is Daniel Servitje’s daily bread. As Grupo Bimbo’s Chairman and CEO.
El Universal
Mexico City
“The 500 most Important Companies in Mexico”
Expansión magazine presents “The 500 most Important Companies in Mexico”. This ranking presents the country’s most prominent enterprises in 2015. Grupo Bimbo maintains the 10th place.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
“The 500 most Important Companies in Mexico”
Expansión magazine presents “The 500 most Important Companies in Mexico”. This ranking presents the country’s most prominent enterprises in 2015. Grupo Bimbo maintains the 10th place among the most important companies.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Reputation Institute and the RepTrak™ System
In a recent survey of Mexican consumers conducted by the Reputation Institute and the Cemefi, Grupo Bimbo obtained a RepTrak™ Pulse’s 78.5 rating.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City
Grupo Bimbo, a Mexican company
Grupo Bimbo, a Mexican company with a 70-year trajectory, received, for the 16th consecutive year, the Empresa Socialmente Responsable distinction granted by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía.
Grupo Bimbo
Mexico City